Why You Should Have Charging Stations at Your Next Event and How to Integrate Them
Cell phones are a part of everyday life and many of us don’t leave home without them. Our communication devices are becoming more relevant in the event world. Event attendees rely on their cell phones more than ever to stay connected before, during, and after the event. That’s where charging stations will save the day. In this article, we will talk about 5 reasons to consider adding charging station rentals to your event and creative ways to integrate them into your design.

5 Reasons You Should Have a Charging Station at Your Next Event!
Charging stations are convenient tech items that allow guests to quickly charge their mobile devices and tablets. Here are 5 benefits to including charging stations in your event.
- Event Awareness
Whether you’re posting valuable event details online or using an app, making sure your attendees have a charged device can help them stay connected to the event. Attendees may be encouraged to tweet, share, or post pictures about the event on social media, which becomes more viable if their phones are charged.
- Lack of Outlets
Have you ever attended a trade show or convention and needed to look for an outlet? Venues often lack available public outlets and if there are some present, there are never enough for the number of people in attendance. Show your guests you care by adding a charging station for their convenience. No more “where’s waldo” searching for an elusive outlet.
- Higher Guest Retention
Did you know that guests with low battery life on their cellphone are more likely to leave the conference in search of a charger? People need to stay connected with the outside world during your event so help them do that. A charging station or locker will keep your guests engaged and at your event longer.
- Builds Brand Awareness
Charging lockers are a great branding opportunity for event sponsors. Keep your sponsors’ name, logo, and message on the minds of the event attendees. If you’re at a trade show charging lockers will also attract foot traffic to your booth and keep them there longer.
- Guest Satisfaction
Building a positive guest experience should be a goal for every event organizer, tradeshow booth, or sponsor. Guests will remember that they were able to stay connected to all things digital and important if you give them the chance.
How to Integrate Charging Stations into Your Next Event!
Now that you’ve read some of the benefits a charging station or locker can bring to your event, lets take a look at creative ways to incorporate them.
- Create a charging lounge/seating area! Designate an area where guests can lounge, network, and charge their devices.
- Plan a “phone free session” with a guest speaker and encourage attendees to charge their phones during the session. Charging lockers are an excellent idea here because guests can secure their phones with a pin code and leave them while attending the meeting.
- Have a “Phone Concierge” where guests can check their phones like we used to check our coats.
- Create a Networking/Refreshments area! There are Cocktail Table Charging options (as pictured below) that are perfect for a networking area! Attendees plug in to the cocktail table while enjoying refreshments or conversation with other guests.

Charging Station Rentals in Florida, Las Vegas, and Nationwide
Not sure which charging station is for you? Contact our sales team at Absolute Amusements and we can provide recommendations. Our experienced staff will help you seamlessly add charging stations to your event and advise on available branding options. Give us a call today at 407-856-3866, check out our charging station rentals, or request a quote for your event!